Generating a Web Service Operation on a Business Process Model |
You can generate a Web service operation on a published process model in Process Platform based on ExecuteProcess using the Web service generator wizard. This Web service can be used to trigger a process.
For a short-lived process, the Web service has both an input and an output message, whereas for a long-lived process the output message is the instance ID of the instantiated process. If you are generating a Web service for a short-lived process, ensure that there is only one End event with a message or multiple End events with the same message.
- To generate a Web service Operation on a business process model, do any one of the following:
Generating a Web service by creating a New Process Platform Document and using a business process model as source.
1. In Workspace Documents right-click <Project> > New > Other. The New Process Platform Document dialog appears.
2. Select Web Service. The Untitled Web Service - Web Service wizard is initiated.Note:
For information on the fields that display in the Untitled Web Service - Web Service wizard, see Web Service Interface.
3. Select Business Process Model from Select the source drop-down. The Namespace field appears.
4. Enter required information in Name, Description and Namespace fields.
5. Click Next. The next screen of the Untitled Web Service - Web Service wizard appears displaying the Business Process field.
6. To select the business process model basing which you want to generate a Web service, clickassociated with the Business Process field. The selected BPM displays in the Business Process field and the Web Service Interface Name, Web Service Operation Name, Activity Name, Monitoring, and Execution Priority fields appear. For information about these fields, see Web Service Interface.
7. Provide relevant information in all the fields.Generating a Web service on a business process model in the project content tree through Business Process Execution
1. Right-click required business process model on which you want to generate the Web service, and select Execution > Generate Web Service. The <businessprocessmodelname> - Web Service Generation Wizard appears.Note:
By default, in the Select Web Service Definition Set group box, the New option remains selected. However, select Existing, if you want to generate the Web service using an existing Web Service Definition Set.
2. Depending on the option you select, that is New or Existing relevant fields appear for associating a Webservice Definition Set to the Web service that you are generating.Note: Refer to the Web Service Generation Wizard interface for more information on the fields within.
3. Clickassociated with each of the Webservice Interface Name, Instantiation Source description, Webservice Operation Name fields to select appropriate artifacts.
4. Select relevant information in the Process monitoring and Process Execution Priority fields. - Click Finish to exit the wizard.
A Web service for triggering the process is generated and is attached to the project content tree.
After you complete this task:
Attach the Web service to the Business Process Management Service Container and publish the Web service to organization.